Animal Communicator & Pet Behavioral Specialist

Energy Healing Practitioner - Intuitive Guide - Multidimensional Medium

 I help frustrated and exhausted pet parents move from stressed to calm as we open lines of communication between you and your animal companion, restoring peace and harmony in the home.

“You can enter into close relationships with some animals. Such relationships can teach us not only a lot about the animal in question but also about language and about ourselves.”

— Eva Meijer

Do you feel worried or guilty because you sense your pet is suffering and do not know how to help?
Maybe the vets and/or trainers cannot give you any answers, but you know in your heart that something is wrong.

Are you caught in a cycle of anger and remorse in your relationship with your animal, due to their behavior challenges? Is this causing you stress, anxiety, and/or loneliness?

Are you frustrated after spending lots of time and money on training?
Are you replacing furniture or other items that are being destroyed due to your animal’s issues?

Do you have to put your pet in daycare or run home during lunch to check on them because they cannot be left home alone?

Do your pet's behavioral issues make it difficult to find a pet sitter?
Are you afraid to invite friends over because of the problem?

Working with me will help you…

— know the true cause of their suffering so you can give them the help they really need. Together, we will go beyond what the traditional experts can tell you so that you gain peace of mind and connection with your animal companion. No more worrying about your fur baby or feeling guilty about not doing enough to make them happy and healthy.

— restore connection and reduce stress. As you gain a deeper understanding of what your fur baby is going through and learn how to support them, their behavior will improve significantly.

— get to the root of your pet’s issues to create positive change, so that you are not constantly throwing money at the problem.

— feel confident knowing that your animal companion will be okay without you when you need to leave them.
Feel excited to come home instead of bracing for the worst.

— enjoy inviting people over again (and maybe even asking people to pet-sit) as you build a better understanding of your pet’s behaviors and strengthen your relationship with them. Cultivate more connection with the animals and humans you love.


Animal Communicator

What Is Animal Communication?

This is a spiritual practice with the intent to facilitate kindness, respect and compassion for humanity, nature and the animal kingdom.

As an animal communicator, I draw on my intuition and my other psychic gifts to assess the emotional, social and psychological landscape of the animal telepathically. Often I can feel what they are feeling, see what they are seeing, or they will send information in a number of other ways. I take a holistic approach to understanding the pet’s needs and communicate that to the pet parents.

This can be done in person or remotely as telepathic communication is done over a distance.


Pet Behavioral Specialist

What Is A Pet Behavioral Specialist?

As a pet behavioral specialist, I help frustrated and exhausted pet parents move from stressed to calm as we open lines of communication between you and your animal companion, restoring peace and harmony in the home.

I use both animal communication and energy healing techniques to gain a better understanding of your animal companion’s behavioral issues. The many energy healing techniques that I use work on all three levels of the body: the physical level, the emotional level, and the mental/spiritual level. I also do only what is requested by your animal companion’s higher self.

These techniques can help reduce or eliminate stuck emotions that are no longer serving your companion animal, align and balance the chakra energy system, Both these energy systems when out of balance can lead to physical aliments or behavioral issues in our pets. In addition, I use all of my tools available to help your companion animal feel their best. I use both animal communication and energy healing techniques to get to the heart of the problem.


What People Are Saying


“I loved hearing the communication you had with him. It was a wonderful validation when you told me the answers to the questions you asked him and they were correct. I liked how deeply you worked with Peanut. You were thorough and caring and you spent a lot of time on Peanut.”

— Lisa C., Florida


“My cat Izzy was sick, and I contacted Julie, and she immediately tapped into his energy. She told me Izzy ate a bug and she did some long distance healing on him and called in Archangel Raphael for healing. As soon as we finished talking, Izzy started to show interest in eating and as the night went on he was back to his normal self. I cannot thank Julie enough for what she did. Izzy and I both thank her so so much, she is an earth angel.”

— Lisa H., Delaware

“Julie is an amazing animal communicatorand healer! After losing my Babi (Baby) of 10 years to cancer on 04/02/2021, Julie not only channeled an unbelievably tender message from her to us but she also provided grief comfort to my Tootsie (Babi’s life companion or who we called her sister). We were just heartbroken when we had to let Babi go! Julie did a phenomenal job helping all of us make the transition with Babi a little easier. Julie’s work is extensive and goes deep, both into the body and spirit for the animal and the human, to work on releasing the pain and the grief. I cannot recommend her work enough for those suffering with pain, physically, emotionally, and spiritually whether they are furry not! Julie is a blessing and has an amazing gift that is so loving and nurturing for all who are open to receive it! Thank you, Julie for being there when my family needed you the most!”

— Amanda T., Texas

“Julie is such a warm and caring soul. I had concerns about moving both of our parakeets into one cage. She was able to give me helpful insight about my sassy little girl, and it made so much sense. I have since them moved them both together and everyone is getting along perfectly!”

— Amanda H., Ohio

“I believe you were very professional, thorough, and had my furbaby’s best interest in mind. Your sessions are helpful on 3 different levels, you provide healing, you create a bridge between human and animal, and we leave your session with constructive steps to take moving forward.”

— Vanessa H., Oregon


“We tried everything to keep our black lab from breaking through an invisible fence—several trainers, shock collar, etc. Where others failed, Julie excelled. Her detailed and thorough work has allowed us to keep our beloved Buckley. Thank you, Julie!”

— Mary Ann M., North Carolina

“I am so blessed to have Julie Bassett on my fur team! She has been beyond helpful in helping us to understand and work with our cats. Her ability to connect with themis undeniable. She brought through information that only we could have known. She has helped with our new baby and understanding and healing some of the issues we were experiencing. Julie was so amazing when it was time to send one of my Angels overs the rainbow bridge. Her help was so comforting during a very tough decision. I will be back for certain! Julie is very talented!”

— Elissa H., Oregon

“Julie’s energy healing work recently helped me through a rough patch. I was feeling very bogged down, stuck, and heavy. I engaged in a healing session with Julie, where she was able to release that heaviness, and many other emotions that seemed stuck, or were blocking me. It was as if Julie had flipped the switch for me. The next day, I no longer felt as if I was carrying the weight of the world around. And the day after that, I felt much, much lighter. I still had the same set of problems to deal with, but I was now seeing them in a different light. As I am writing this, many weeks have passed and I continue to feel free of the negative emotions that had been bogging me over the summer months. Thank you for your work, Julie! I am so grateful!”

—Teresa D., Massachusetts

“Julie, your reading and healing of my fur baby was amazing! You were spot on and the best part, our 9-year old Lacy is acting like a young pup again! Thank you for offering your services and I would recommend anyone to book with you for any assistance with their fur babies!”

— Gaye M., Wisconsin


“Julie was wonderful. I asked her for help in a crisis for my old pug—my other dog passed away and it left my pug completely lost. Within hours of connecting with Julie, and telling her a bit of my story, my very despondent pug was chewing his favorite bone and seemed to be settling and calm. I was so grateful for her connection and would definitely recommend Julie—actually I already have passed her name to a friend. It was such a touching and wonderful experience.”

— Sara A., North Carolina

“Julie has been supporting my dog Jasper, as he barks throughout the day at neighbors and other events in the neighborhood and is also very skittish. These behaviors have gotten in the way for him and our family, causing stress and frustration so we sought out Julie’s help. After the first session with Julie she was able to share about Jasper’s experienceswhich greatly helped me have more compassion for him and supporting him with his behaviors. Julie has a great wisdom and insight; she explainswheat she is working on with him and shares ways to support Jasper. I am thankful we connected with Julie and the ways her being and work are helping us!”

— Debbie M., Colorado

“Julie has read for me numerous times, and this morning she graciously made herself available for an emergency appointment for our lovely kitty Rizzy. My husband found her at the bottom of our basement stairs feeling very lethargic and had not had the strength to get to her litter box.My husband was beside himself with fear and grief - certain that she was about to pass. I frantically messaged Julie, who was able to connect with her energy, and got the message that she has some kidney issues and what feels like a UTI. My husband was very relieved and has now left to get her checked out. Although she is 17 and has always been in good health, we aren’t prepared quite yet to say goodbye. Julie assured us that although she has begun the transition process –we have about another year to enjoy her on this plane. Thank you so much, Julie! I appreciate you and your beautiful gifts SO much!”

— Janet G., Washington


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“Animals exist with us and communicate with us in many ways if we allow ourselves to become still enough to notice, living in a sacred way with the realization that animal communication is natural.”

— Reverend Misa Hopkins