Julie Jeanne Bassett Julie Jeanne Bassett

Essential Oils and Our Pets

There are many essential oils and they are becoming more and more popular in today’s society. So, what is an essential oil to begin with……

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Julie Jeanne Bassett Julie Jeanne Bassett

What if your cat is lost?

What do you do if your cat gets lost? For indoor only cats, they are often very scared being outside and will stay close to the point of exit….

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Julie Jeanne Bassett Julie Jeanne Bassett


This quote hit home for me today…

“When we are hard on ourselves, we send our bodies the message that we are not good enough.”

Daily OM

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Julie Jeanne Bassett Julie Jeanne Bassett

Animals as Guides

Native Americans often use animals to open their sacred circle. Where we use the Archangels, Native Americans use animal…

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Julie Jeanne Bassett Julie Jeanne Bassett


I saw a firefly, or as I used to call them, a lightening bug, the other day. It was the first time I’d seen one in real life since I was a child and it brought back memories from my childhood…..

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Julie Jeanne Bassett Julie Jeanne Bassett

Healing after Pet Loss

Losing a pet can create lasting anxiety and mounting depression if you don’t allow yourself to process grief and begin a path to healing and normalizing your life.

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Julie Jeanne Bassett Julie Jeanne Bassett

How Departed Pets Communicate

Have you ever wondered if your pet who has crossed over the rainbow bridge is sending you signs of connection?

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Julie Jeanne Bassett Julie Jeanne Bassett

Processing Grief Through Energy Healing

We all have different ways of coping with our pain. Some of us don’t take the time to process grief and when that happens, it can affect us physically AND mentally.

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