Animal Communicator & Pet Behavioral Specialist

Energy Healing Practitioner - Intuitive Guide - Multidimensional Medium



My name is Julie Jeanne Bassett and I am an animal communicator and energy healing practitioner. I utilize many different techniques to help resolve destructive behavior, anxiety and stress in animals while cultivating a stronger connection between pet parents and their beloved companions.

Over the years of employing these techniques on my own animal companions, I came to learn that other pet parents were going through similar struggles and knew I had the tools to be able to help. To be the channel for communication between a pet parent and their companion animal is my calling.

Companion animals are intelligent, sentient beings who are here to help us. They are our teachers, healers, guardians, catalysts and bridges, but we have to listen to what they are trying to tell us.

There are too many pet parents who are struggling with behavioral issues in their companion animals, so I help them by communicating with their pets through various energy healing techniques, to resolve the issue at hand.


Training and Certifications


I have trained under many experts. Lynn McKenzie of Animal Energy® Certification Training, was my instructor for both animal communication and energy healing using kinesiology and EMF (Emotional Freedom Technique, aka tapping). Dr. Cara Gubbins from Animal Wisdom Insiders, and Natalie Anderson. In addition, I completed training with Lynn McKenzie from Animal Energy® Certification Training as well as psychic/intuitive development with Crystal Anne Compton and Tricia Carr from the Lightworkers Lab. I graduated from the Intuitive Intensive, Mediumship Intensive, Energy Intensive, and Channeling Intensive which were all offered by the Lightshine Academy. The Energy Intensive provided additional methods to facilitate energy healing on both humans and their fur babies. I have also taken the Akashic Records Intensive with Crystal Anne Compton and Lauren Antuofermo, also with the Lightshine Academy.


Completed Programs Include:

  • Animal Energy® Certification

  • Graduated from the Lightworkers Lab (now known as the Lightshine Academy) Intensive Courses; Intuitive Intensive, Mediumship Intensive, Akashic Records Intensive, Energy Intensive, and Channeling Intensive

  • Graduated from Institute of Integrative Nutrition (IIN), IIN Health Coach

  • Completed the Life Mastery with Mary Morrissey, Transformational Life Coach

“The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”

— Mahatma Gandhi