Animal Communicator & Pet Behavioral Specialist

Energy Healing Practitioner - Intuitive Guide - Multidimensional Medium

“Animals can communicate quite well. And they do. But generally speaking, they are ignored.”

— Alice Walker


Animal Communicator Services

 Free Consultation (Up to 15 min)

Not sure which service to select or have questions if this is right for you and your animal companion?

Let's chat!

Animal Communication Session (up to 30 min)

This session is for 1-2 animals and 1-3 questions. This session is conducted live on Zoom or by phone. An audio recording of the session is provided at no extra cost. During this session I will connect to your animal companions, ask them your questions, and relay the animal’s responses to you. This session is good for getting information on general well-being, health concerns, end-of-life decisions, and minor behavioral issues. A brief healing may be involved if requested by the animal. A brief energy healing session may be performed if requested by the animal and if time allows.

Animal Communication Session (up to 60 min)

This session is for 3-4 animals with 4-5 questions or an in-depth reading for 1-2 animals. This session is conducted live on Zoom or by phone. An audio recording of the session is provided at no extra cost. During this session, I will connect to your animal companion(s), ask them your questions, and relay their responses to you. This session is for getting information on general well-being, health concerns,
end-of-life decisions, and minor behavioral issues. A brief energy healing session may be performed if requested by the animal and if time allows.

Animal Communication + Pet Mediumship

Pet Mediumship
(Up to 30 minutes)

This session focuses on communication with one animal that has passed. I will connect with your passed animal companion and during this session, I will ask them your questions, and relay their responses to you. This session is conducted live on Zoom or by phone and an audio recording of the session is provided at no extra cost, whenever possible. This session may include a channeled message from the passed animal companion. This session may also be conducted via e-mail, in which case no audio recording would be provided.


Love of animals is a universal impulse, a common ground on which all of us may meet. By loving and understanding animals, perhaps we humans shall come to understand each other.”

— Dr. Louis Camuti