Animal Communicator & Pet Behavioral Specialist

Energy Healing Practitioner - Intuitive Guide - Multidimensional Medium

Terms of Service



All information given is strictly confidential.  We will never disclose your details to a third party.


Any purchases made on this website is non-refundable.


The following terms of service apply to all services provided to the Client by Julie Jeanne Bassett delivered through personal service (such as reading, coaching, or mentoring). All such services are referred to herein as the “session,” and these Terms of Service pertain to any session performed by Julie Jeanne Bassett for the Client at any time.  Under these Terms of Service, Client agrees to release and indemnify Julie Jeanne Bassett of liability for any and all legal claims that arise from the session. Client has read and understood these terms and specifically agrees that: Client is 18 years old or older. Julie Jeanne Bassett reserves the right to refuse service to any individual for any reason.

All services offered by Julie Jeanne Bassett are solely for entertainment, educational, or spiritual purposes.  Julie Jeanne Bassett is not a doctor, veterinarian, or therapist, and therefore, does not diagnose or treat medical or psychological ailments, offer medical advice, prescribe drugs, or perform any medical procedures on any animal or human.

Payment for products and services is 100% non-refundable. Results are not guaranteed.  Julie Jeanne Bassett specifically disclaims responsibility for the ability or inability to produce specific results, provide specific information, and/or to answer/provide insight into specific personal or spiritual questions.

Information received and given by Julie Jeanne Bassett may be highly confidential and sensitive and Julie Jeanne Bassett disclaims liability for any adverse effects that disclosure of such information may have. Client releases Julie Jeanne Bassett from any and all liability related to the content disclosed withing any products, services, or during the course of any session.  After a session, Julie Jeanne Bassett will not distribute or disclose such information without Client consent; and agrees to maintain such information in confidence.

Julie Jeanne Bassett accepts no responsibility for actions taken by any Client prior to, or subsequent to, the consumption of any product or service, or prior to, or subsequent to, any session, whether or not such actions purport to be taken in reliance on information received at a session.  Client agrees to release and indemnify Julie Jeanne Bassett for liability of actions taken by the Client or third parties resulting from the information disclosed in any product, service, or session.