Animal Communicator & Pet Behavioral Specialist

Energy Healing Practitioner - Intuitive Guide - Multidimensional Medium



What is an Animal Communicator or Animal Intuitive?

An animal communicator is someone who can communicate with animals telepathically.  

Animal communication works using energy transference of information known as telepathy, which is the ability to see what is in someone else’s mind, to feel what they are feeling, or to communicate with them mentally without using words or physical signals. This works on all animal species.

How Does Your Energy Healing Work?

There are many different ways of performing energy healing.  My primary modality works on all three levels: the physical, the emotional, and the mental/spiritual level.  However, I have many different energy healing modalities available to me and use whichever modalities as directed by the animal’s higher self and Spirit.  I only do what the animal tells me he/or she needs.

What Is Telepathic Communication?

Telepathic communication is the ability to use intuitive/psychic senses to communicate over a distance.  Telepathy is a silent, mind-to-mind connection using a universal language.  Basically, telepathy is being able to understand what another being is thinking or feeling.  

Can You Solve A Problem With My Animal In One Session? 

In a majority of cases one session is sufficient to see a change in your animal companion’s behavior. However, because all sentient beings have free will and for deep traumatic issues and PTSD, additional sessions may be necessary.  Trauma and PTSD are deeply embedded and it is like peeling an onion, one layer at a time.  It also assumes the the animal companion is willing to change.

What Is Energy Healing?

Everything is energy.  We are all energy.  Energy healing is tapping into a person’s or animal’s energy to detect issues and send healing energy to correct those issues as guided by Spirit.  This is only done with the permission of the animal and their guardian.

Can You Help Me Connect With My Deceased Pet? 

Yes, I can! It is called pet mediumship. Pet mediumship is the communication with an animal that has passed. In a pet mediumship session, I will connect with your deceased animal companion, ask them your questions, and relay their responses to you. In many instances it may also include a channeled message from your passed animal companion. These sessions are often very healing for their human guardians.