
This quote hit home for me today…

“When we are hard on ourselves, we send our bodies the message that we are not good enough.”

Daily OM

We are often hard on ourselves.  We often criticize ourselves for not doing enough, sleeping too late, not being productive, etc.  All that is doing is telling our bodies that we are not good enough.  It often stems from our childhood when we didn’t clean our rooms or didn’t get good grades in school. Our parents always wanted us to be better, do better, be the high achievers and perfect little people.  So it became ingrained in our brains from the time we were children that if we weren’t the perfect achievers that they wanted us to be, then we were not good enough.  That is programming self-limiting beliefs into the minds of little children.  The parents are just trying to make sure their children do well in school and become successful adults, but they don’t realize the impact that it has as their children grow into adulthood.  Know that we are all more than good enough.  We are all perfect just the way we are.  Once you let go of the self-limiting belief that you are not good enough, the world opens up to you and you will start getting all the abundance you seek.  For we are all worthy of abundance in all areas of our life.


What if your cat is lost?


Animals as Guides