Animal Adoption and Settling In


As an animal communicator and pet behavioral specialist, I often get asked “I just adopted a dog/cat/puppy/kitten, how long will it take for them to settle in?” This is a difficult question to answer. Each animal and situation is unique. Animals with a traumatic past may take longer than a dog with a more pleasant past. Cats do not like change so it isn’t surprising that they often will hide for a few days until they start getting used to the new environment.

It is similar to starting a new job that you wanted for a long time. You start asking yourself, did I make the right choice? Will I like it there? Will everyone like me? Will I fit in? Will my boss be nice and not a micro-manager or throw me to the wolves? It takes about 3 days to learn your way around and what your duties will be. Often you are not yourself, you are acting on your best behavior. I remember for several of my new positions, I had to move to a different city and state. So not only was I trying to learn a new job, I was also learning a new city.

It takes about three weeks to start settling in and start getting into a routine. It is the same for our pets. They need to know what is expected of them just the same way when starting a new job. It takes three months to feel like you are a part of the team. That is why most companies have a 90 day probation period. To make sure you will be a productive member of the team before they turn you loose. A new pet needs this same grace period before they start feeling like a part of the family and feeling like they are safe and at home. Be patient with them and give them the time they need to adjust.




Healing after Pet Loss