
I saw a firefly, or as I used to call them, a lightening bug, the other day. It was the first time I’d seen one in real life since I was a child and it brought back memories from my childhood. I could sit outside and watch them for hours! I even tried to catch them and put them in a jar when I was little. Once I caught a few, I would watch them in the jar. Then I would open the lid and watch them fly off. They were so magical to me.


So, last night I found a bug, or rather a beetle, in my apartment. I carefully picked it up in a paper towel and took it outside, before my cats tried to get hold of it, and I let it go. I didn’t think anything of it.


Later when I went outside, a firefly started buzzing around me, shining his light on then off, on then off and then it flew away. It was if he was thanking me for saving him. Later when I looked up the firefly, the beetle that I saved, was indeed a firefly.


I asked him what messages he had for me tonight and he told me to keep being kind to all living beings and to keep shining my light so I can be a light to others in dark times and he thanked me for saving him. He also wanted me to continue to find joy in everyday things. I thanked him for his message to me.


It was a beautiful experience and it brought back all the wonder and magic of my childhood. It is amazing that something so little can bring such a sense of joy and wonder to me as an adult. I will always treasure that moment.


Animals as Guides


Animal Adoption and Settling In